First of all let me say that today's nap was one of the best I've ever had! I was able to read a book in bed alone until I became drowsy and drifted off to sleep. If that sounds odd to you, you must not have children. My friends with children will understand that THIS NEVER HAPPENS!!! I feel so refreshed! And I must give props to my sweet husband who made it all possible.
OK, now to the most interesting part of my nap- the dream. I'll retell it in as much detail as I can remember.
I was going home to my apartment. I lived in an apartment, see. I was trying to get in, but I couldn't remember the code to unlock the gate. I tried all the important numbers in my life, but none of them worked. I had to wait for another resident to come home so I could follow them in the gate.
I finally get in the gate and make my way to my apartment. I hadn't been there in a while, maybe a couple of months. I don't know why exactly. That's one of the blanks the Sandman didn't fill in. Anyway, the important thing is that someone else had taken up residence in my apartment. It was a woman. She was a cook I think. Latino. I really don't think those details matter. What matters is she had moved all of her things in. Nothing in the apartment was mine anymore. I could still see fixtures where I had placed things when I was living there, but basically everything was different.
In my dream I told my friends about the squatter who was living in my apartment. Turns out she wasn't really a squatter, she had been invited there by one of my friends. The dream-friend couldn't understand why I was paying rent for an apartment I wasn't living in or caring for.
By the end of the dream I was taking over control of my place. I was moving my things back in and making it my own again.
Now for the interpretation. I'm a big believer in dreams and their meanings, but I don't own a dream dictionary. I feel that each person's dream and the "symbols" therein are unique to each individual based on personal experiences. Whatever. Here is what this dream means to me: I'm living my life "unconsciously". I'm not paying attention to myself or the things I do to myself. I'm eating poorly, not exercising. I'm feeling stressed out, I'm unfit and overweight. My dream is telling me I need to take back control of myself. If I don't, I'm opening the door for things like disease to take up residence in my body. Like in my dream where I was still paying rent for an apartment I no longer lived in, I pay the price when I don't take care of myself.
All in all I thought it was a pretty good dream to have. Time to start living "consciously".
(In an unrelated note, in the dream I was talking to my dream-friend, and we decided that I should take one romantic vacation with my husband and start trying for baby #2 afterward. We'll see about that ;) )
love it