The word of the day? Galactagogue
Sounds like something from outer space, doesn't it?
A galactagogue, in case you were wondering(or even if you weren't), is any agent that promotes milk production.
I'm in the process of weaning the New Guy. Not because I want to, but because I'm losing my milk. And it makes me sad.
It seems like I've faced all sorts of obstacles with breastfeeding this baby from the time he was born. He was born with jaundice, and I was told not to breast feed him just in case it was something in my milk that was causing it. I didn't know enough to argue with the doctors and I got conflicting information. But when someone tells you that your baby could suffer brain damage from jaundice, well...
So I had a hard time getting my milk established and we ended up supplementing with formula. I was OK with that. I figured he was still getting the benefits of mother's milk.
Then, when my baby was three months old I got sick and had to take antibiotics. I didn't even think to tell the doctor that I was nursing and to please prescribe me something that would be OK for the baby. When I researched the medicine at home I learned that it was not compatible with breastfeeding. So we fed the New Guy expressed breast milk from the freezer and I pumped to keep my supply up. It made me so sad to pour my milk down the drain, and I noticed I was getting less and less all the time. I couldn't pump often enough to keep my supply up.
For the last few weeks I have been pumping only an ounce at a time, which I just pour into his formula bottles. Or I save it up until there is enough to make one breast milk bottle. I've been taking fenugreek to try to boost my supply, but it makes my pee smell funny and I don't really like it.
It's time to wean my baby.
He's now six months old. He's meeting all of his milestones ahead of schedule. He has two teeth, he's rolling all over the place, reaching, grabbing, pulling... he laughs all the time. He hasn't suffered any ill effects from being formula fed. I knew he wouldn't. I know many mothers who have formula fed exclusively because it was the best choice for them and their babies are perfectly healthy.
I think what it really comes down to is that producing breast milk burns calories.
Now I have to start working out.
Got milk?
I don't, and I'm OK with it now.
Being a mother sounds extraordinarily complicated. And sci-fi-like with words like "galactagogue" in the lexicon.
ReplyDeleteCome do yoga with me! Or walks. Walks are good fun.
I would love love love to do yoga! When? My schedule with the babies is so busy that it's hard to find time to do anything.