How do people do it?
How do people manage to manage everything?
I'll be returning to work soon after being on maternity leave for a blissful eight weeks. Just thinking about it makes my head spin. I have a very demanding job. I'm a teacher. It's important that I give 100% every day all the time. And I want to. I want to be Super Teacher. I want to be one of those teachers who gets to go on the Oprah show because my students do incredible things because I'm the best teacher in the world ever. Then I would write a book telling other teachers how to be as great as I am and I'd make a million dollars. But I would still teach even when I was a millionaire because, doggone it, I just love teaching.
However, I'm also a mom. I have two small children. And It's important that I give them 100% also. I want to be Super Mom. I want to raise the most thoughtful, best educated, most well mannered children the world has ever seen. My children will grow up to do amazing things. Write books, play music, invent things, discover cures for diseases... whatever they do they will be amazing at it because I'm the best mom in the world.
Don't forget about being a wife, too! My husband and I have a very easy, friendly, happy relationship, but that doesn't mean it doesn't need tending also.
How do people do it?
Maybe they don't. Maybe they can't and that's why so many people are medicated and/or drunk.
(Whenever I see people who seem to have it all together I imagine they must be either bulimic or just drunk alcoholics because no one can have it all together. But that's just me being a hater.)
The more I think about it the more I realize I just have to let it go. What I've found in all my years of living is that the more I worry and try to control things, the more they fall apart.
I'll just do the best I can with what I have, and the rest of the time just hang on and enjoy the ride.
"Let it flow, let yourself go. Slow and low that is the tempo."
Let it flow, my friends. Let it flow. :)
Letting go is easier said than done, though isn't it. I have been trying to learn this lesson lately.