Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

In keeping with tradition, I hereby resolve to do/be/change the following things/habits in this new year 2011:

1. I will lose this baby weight! Having our new baby was the biggest blessing of 2010. He'll be six weeks old tomorrow and I still look like I'm pregnant. It's very disheartening when Spanx can't even tame your baby belly. But beyond looking good in clothes, I need to get my body in shape so I can take care of the babies. I was so big during the last 3 months of my pregnancy that I couldn't really move so much, so now I'm all stiff and brittle like a dried up twig. I snap, crackle and pop when I move. Resolution #1 is to get in shape.

2. I will resume my reducing/reusing/recycling. I used to take the recycling to the recycling center every Saturday on my way to my Weight Watchers meeting. When I got pregnant I quit going to weight watchers and therefore I quit recycling because I wasn't "already getting out and going that way". I don't want to be part of the problem because I'm too lazy to get out on a Saturday afternoon and drive five minutes to the recycling center. I need to be a good example to my kids. Going green is going to be even more important to their generation, so I need to help them get good habits in place. So I'll be resuming my weekly trips to the recycling center, buying some compact florescent light bulbs, taking my own bags to the grocery store, and turning stuff off when I'm not using it.

3. I will get organized! This one is really important to me. I waste so much money paying late fees because I don't pay my bills on time. Not because I don't have the money, but because I don't pay attention to what day it is. I bought myself a calendar today. That's a first step. Now I need to go through and write due dates for everything on the calendar. Then I need to set an alarm on my phone to remind myself to check the calendar every day.

Jeez. It is extremely hard to overcome a lifetime of bad habits! But again, I need to do it for my kids. Never mind doing it for myself. I've managed to make it this far in life. I mean, I graduated with my Master's, I have a career, I own my own home...Besides that, I feel that I'm a bit of a lost cause. I don't understand organized people. If I leave my stuff laying everywhere, then I always have everything at my fingertips (even if i do have to spend some time looking for it). My kids, on the other hand, are blank slates. I want them to be better than I have been at managing my time/money/health. I want to keep them out of the cloud of chaos that I live in because I'm a disorganized mess.
The things I do for you boys... You have no idea!

So those are my resolutions for 2011. I think it's a pretty realistic list. I think these things are do-able. I think these goals are all within reach. I think I will start working on them...

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